Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) the Arcade Free Library will be closed from March 17th until further notice.
- The ability to place holds by patrons and library staff have been suspended.
- Due dates will be adjusted for any currently checked out item due between today and 4/20/2020
- We will prevent fines from accruing on any items that are already overdue until 4/20/2020. Please note that the due dates for overdue items will not be adjusted, but fines for those overdue items will not accrue.
- We have extended the shelf expiration dates for items on hold shelves until 4/20/2020.
- All library cards that were due to expire from 3/1/2020 through 6/29/2020 will be set to expire on 6/30/2020. This will preserve access to OverDrive / Owwl2go.